Should you Fire a Coworker for Making an Honest Mistake?

A while back my hairdresser accidentally cut my ear. It was just a small cut and I hardly felt it but since cuts in ears have a tendency to bleed a lot my hairdresser felt really bad and almost starting crying. After having driven home with one hand on the steering wheel and the other …

Working Effectively with Windows as a (non-)Developer

There are lots of great articles on how to know your tools to be a better programmer. I thought I’d chip in give and give 10 tricks on how to be a good Windows user and hence also a better developer. These tricks are very simple and have been part of Windows for a while …

Autonomous F16 Wingman

The USAF is testing autonomous wingmen fighter jets.  While I am a sucker for all things fighter jet, especially the F16 Falcon, this is both very fascinating and very unsettling. Photo via Lockheed Martin.